This first excerpt of notes are taken from Max Lucados “In the grip of grace.”
He first describes a funny scene on a plane where the pilot says that they are about to crash and he starts handing out parachutes. When he opens the door and a woman approaches to leap, she says she doesn’t want to be a bother, but could she get a pink parachute? The pilot says this parachute is good and will get you to the ground. The next approaches asking for an equally hilarious thing and again, the answer is that what he has given is sufficient. This is a display of Gods answer “My grace is sufficient for you.”
“May I ask a very important question? What if God says no? What if the request is delayed or even denied? When God says no to you, how will you respond? If God says, “I’ve given you My grace, and that is enough,” will you be content?
Content. That’s the word. A state of heart in which you would be at peace if God gave you nothing more than He already has. Test yourself with this question:
What if God’s only gift to you were His grace to save you. Would you be content?
You beg Him to save the life of your child. You plead with Him to keep your business afloat. You implore Him to remove the cancer from your body. What if His answer is, “My grace is enough.” Would you be content?
You see, from Heaven’s perspective, grace is enough. If God did nothing more than save us from hell, could anyone complain? If God saved our souls and then left us to spend our lives leprosy-struck on a deserted island, would He be unjust? Having been given eternal life, dare we grumble at an aching body? Having been given Heavenly riches, dare we bemoan earthly poverty?
Let me be quick to add, God has not left you with “just salvation.” If you have eyes to read these words, hands to hold this book, the means to own this volume, He has already given you grace upon grace. The vast majority of us have been saved and then blessed even more!”
Lord, everything that I want to say to him, I will say to you. My heart hurts. I need rest. I need someone to protect me and the kids. I feel exposed. I feel attacked. I feel hunted. The enemy is all around me and those who should protect me don’t. God you are our protector. Mine. My kids. Even sometimes I am not a good protection for them. I am sure they feel often that I lash out and attack them. God protect me and protect my kids Lord. In your name I pray amen
“But there are those times when God, having given us His grace, hears our appeals and says, “My grace is sufficient for you.” Is He being unfair? In God Came Near I’ve told how our oldest daughter fell into a swimming pool when she was two years old. A friend saw her and pulled her to safety. What I didn’t tell was what happened the next morning in my prayer time. I made a special effort to record my gratitude in my journal. I told God how wonderful He was for saving her. As clearly as if God himself were speaking, this question came to mind: Would I be less wonderful had I let her drown? Would I be any less a good God for calling her home? Would I still be receiving your praise this morning had I not saved her?
Is God still a good God when he says no?”
God you are good all the time and all the time you are good. You said no to this marriage. I know it is because you have better plans. Maybe it is another love filled marriage, maybe it is a ministry, maybe it is restoring our marriage. But God your plans are best and I’m going to take this one small step at a time. Always towards you. As much as I am able to discern, so be plain with me please God. I love you. And you answered a resounding “I love you too! Always my daughter. My bride.”
I have a desire in my heart for a “pink parachute”. I have a desire and it’s a legitimate desire, but Lord your grace is sufficient for me. Even if your answer is no. Not ever. Still your grace is sufficient. Still, your answer hasn’t been no. It’s been wait. Be still. You are spectacular, amazing, and awesome. And if your answer is no, okay. If your answer is no, still you are spectacular, amazing, and awesome. Still I will follow you all the days of my life. Regardless.
I’d rather be condemned. I’d rather lose my husband, my house, my kids, my life than lose my Lord. No. I’ll never ever betray you no matter what happens. I am your child adopted by you, so you are my Lord. I will follow you to the grave Lord.
It’s okay to want him and miss him. I have to be honest about my heart. Still I long for him. Still I can’t shake my love. I won’t ever be able to. This is the thorn in my side. And you are fine with that Lord. Your grace is sufficient for me. You made me to love this man with the deepest parts of my soul. Even though it pains me. Lord don’t forget your daughter in agony over her loss. Lord don’t forget your wandering prodigal son. Lord bring him back into your fold, into your kingdom, and then bring him back to us. Lord don’t forget us. Don’t forget these babes who long for a dad to love them and to love. Transform him and then bring him home. But Lord, you are my God regardless and your grace is sufficient for us.
God, help me to be content. Even if my promise never comes. Even though this is over, my husband is gone, my heart is broken. Still help me to be content. If your answer is no still help me to be content.