We hear a lot about how faith is not without cost, but as it comes in many different forms it can be hard to understand exactly what that means. In other countries the cost of faith is usually much higher, typically in America we are blessed to see less resistance as our nation is still considered a Christian nation. We all know the famous stories of Corrie Ten Boom and Anne Frank hiding under floors and in walls and being bitten mercilessly by bugs. We look at what they endured and we understand it as the cost of their faith, we see it as trials for the glory of the Lord. It strengthened them or their sacrifice emboldened other believers. Sometimes we don't expect to see that in our modern world.
We don't always expect that when we claim to be Christians we will face our own trials. Sometimes, though promised in Scripture, we forget that to follow Jesus requires sacrifice. The disciples were called to give up all they had and follow the Lord, why should we be any different? In other countries, people face losing their jobs, homes, family and friends and very lives for the Lord. No one wants to face persecution, no one wants to endure pain and loss, but sometimes that's exactly what is required.
The Lord equips us to do what He has asked of us, He will sustain us no matter what. Stepping out of the boat and into the crashing waves is hard. Peter took his eyes from Jesus and that where it all went wrong for him. That's an amazing picture for us. The moment we take our eyes from the Lord it's going to go wrong, whether it's in our marriage, at work, with family or friends. Whatever the case may be, losing sight of Christ and acting in our own strength is where it all falls apart.
It's hard to challenge the accepted wisdom or take a stand against something that goes contrary to the Word of God. It's terrifying to open our mouths and speak for the Gospel, because once we do nothing will ever be the same. Once you step out and act in faith there is no going back, but I promise you it's a decision you'll never regret.
Faith is not free, salvation took a blood sacrifice and it should come at a cost for us.