The wolf and the lamb will feed together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox, and dust will be the serpent’s food. They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain,” says the Lord. Isaiah 65:25 The wolf and the lamb are enemies. The wolf and the lamb do not get along or enjoy each others company. In fact, the wolf, in other circumstances, would prey on the lamb. In the past he has, and if not for God's great intervention, would still. He preyed on me for years. He nipped at me and tried to harm me. He did capture himself another lamb to devour. But still, somehow God has put peace between us. Somehow, the wolf that he is and the lamb that I am have become cordial and kind to one another. We could graze together. Maybe there is hope for the wolf.
She on the other hand, is more like the lion. She tries to rip and destroy and is vicious. Her goal is to destroy. But when God is involved, she can not win. She throws out curses, as a lion throwing straw to those around it, to eat. The problem is that her curses are cursing her, like a lion who must eat the straw it is giving out. And what she doesn't realize is that he is not a lion at all, but an ox. Her curses are blessings for him. What she and the enemy on her means for evil, He uses for good. God rescues from the lion.
And then there is the serpent, the evil one. He devours the dust, the stuff humans are made out of. He thinks that if he can devour the dust, before it has had a chance to spark up with the life of the breath of God, that it is defeated. The enemy is right too, but it fills its belly with dust. Nothing, but powerless, empty, useless dust. The moment we allow God's word to speak to us and receive His Holy Spirit, the enemy becomes powerless against us. The devil cannot devour one that is filled with life. Only the dust that does not have the Spirit.
Genesis 50:20 "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives."