I would be willing to bet that at some point in your life you've heard people scoff when Christians mention God's blessings. It often seems people think these come to Christians just for being a member of the club. Sometimes it seems they are too easily given, sometimes it makes Christians easy to resent and hard to relate to, even among other Christians. I wonder however if there are more to blessings than meets the eye. Consider if you will; a pretty, skinny, and popular girl who comes from a good family and looks like she's got it all together and has more friends than you do. At first glance it may seem like she has it all, but what if that girl has so many friends bc her parents are about to get divorced and God has blessed her with a support system? What if the man with a good job and nice house and huge bank account is about to have a child born prematurely who spends a month in the NICU?
What about the neighbor who always seems holier than thou and is always bragging about how God has blessed him this week who is about to lose his wife to cancer? The truth is blessings are undeserved for all of us. We deserve death, but God loves us way more than we deserve. He gave each of us the ultimate blessing when He sent us His Son. Blessings can be hard to understand especially when they don't happen how we want. It's important to remember that God is not a vending machine and blessings are not given out in equal parts. When we tithe our time and talents and money to the Lord. He is faithful and blesses us, most of the time in ways we couldn't imagine. In all of the aforementioned scenarios, on the surface, nothing is known about how much time each of those people spent with God regularly.
God wants us to want a relationship with him, he wants us to seek him and he wants to bless us. All of those people may a prayer life and relationship with God that could put a pastor to shame. Perhaps one is a brand new Christian, but on fire for God and being blessed mightily. If anything blessings should make us crave God more and further our desire to know him. The closer we draw to our creator the more we understand him and what he has in store for us.